Newsletter November 2017

Information from the
International Federation of Pueri Cantores
The first newsletter FIPC
A new marketplace of the Pueri Cantores family

With this issue the International Federation of Pueri Cantores starts its own newsletter. Six times per year every president and correspondent of the International Federation of Pueri Cantores will receive an new edition to distribute it to all the choirmasters of their federation. Responsible people for the newsletter are the first vice-president Matthias Balzer (left) and the secretary Willi Oeschger (right).
You are welcome to send us information about the life of Pueri Cantores in your federation!
Our new president: Jean Henric

Jean Henric est né à Béziers (sud de la France). Il a fait ses études au conservatoire national de Toulouse (violon, harmonie, analyse, formation musicale) et à l’université. Professeur agrégé de musique, il enseigne en collège et lycée ainsi qu’au conservatoire de Béziers dans lequel il dirige l’orchestre symphonique.
Depuis 1993, il dirige « Les Petits Chanteurs de la Trinité », chœur de la cathédrale de Béziers.
Elu président de Pueri Cantores France en 2008, il a été réélu à son poste en 2012 et en 2016.
Il a été élu président international en août 2017 à Barcelone.
Jean Henric was born in Béziers (south of France). He studied in Toulouse at the Conservatory (violin, musical training, analysis, harmony) and at the university. He is a graduate music teacher. He teaches in schools and at the Music Conservatory of Beziers where he conducts the symphony orchestra.
Since 1993, he has been the conductor of “Petits Chanteurs de la Trinité”, choir of the Cathedral in Beziers.
Elected president of Pueri Cantores France in 2008, he has been reelected in 2012 and 2016.
He was elected international president in August 2017 in Barcelona.
The Council of Administration meets for the first time in Rome

The first meeting of the new elected board was filled with a strong order:
  • Organizing the teamwork of the new board
  • Operationalizing the points of the project of Jean Henric and Matthias Balzer
  • Meeting with the organizing team of the  Congress 2020 in Florence
  • Inaugural visit at the Dicastery for Lay people, Family and Life (Mgr Miguel Delgado), with our former president Robert Tyrała
Barcelona News

The Congress in Barcelona will have a strong emphasis on the Basilica Sagrada Famila: In the same way as the daylight shows us the many details in that basilica, we all are sent throughout the world to radiate with our singing into the life of everybody who lives with us: Vos estis lux mundi!
Logo and Motto
National Congress in Rzeszów / Poland

From September 7th to 10th the Polish federation of Pueri Cantores celebrated its IXth national congress. Here is the link to the website:
Ode of Joy - Beethoven
National Congress of female and treble choirs in Rottenburg / Germany
From September 30th to October 3th more than 1000 choristers met in Rottenburg / Germany. In many concerts, peace-prayers and the opening and closing liturgy with Bishop Dr. Gebhard Fürst they sang their  motto : "Jesus Christ is our light".
The motto-song: "Unser Licht ist Christus!"
Welcome in the family of Pueri Cantores!
The new federation of Haiti
In 1992 the choir ‚Les Petits Chanteurs de St. Gérard’ was founded to fulfill the mission ‚Singing for God and Life’. When the choir celebrated ist 25th anniversary, the president of the FIPC, Mgr. Robert Tyrała was in Port au Prince and encouraged them to finish the process of affiliation to the FIPC that had started already in 2009. In August 2017 in the General Assembly in Barcelona, the president of the Haitian Federation of PC, Mr Mackendy Zizi could present his new federation, composed by three choirs: ‚Les Petits Chanteurs de St. Gérard’, ‚Les Petits Chanteurs de Sainte Bernadette’ et ‚Les Petits Chanteurs de Saint Michel’.
Welcome in our big family!
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