2024 AFPC Festival Season Round Up
The 2024 American Federation of Pueri Cantores Festival Season recently came to a close having included a record number of 16 festivals across the country – from Southern California to Houston to Boston- which involved more than 2,500 young singers from 157 different schools and parishes. It was a triumphant few months for the American Federation of Pueri Cantores, our young people, and the Catholic Church both regionally and nationally.
“It had been amazing to sing with my friends in my own choir, but also to unite with the other children’s choirs here in a gorgeous church with the purpose of making beautiful music that helps each and every one of us glorify God in song and worship. Singing brings people together, and to sing in my own choir let alone with twenty choirs together here is something absolutely breathtaking. Each and every one of our voices is a gift from God. It’s our job to make sure to use them in the way He intended them to be used.”
2024 AFPC-NCEA Webinars
AFPC continues an 8-year-long partnership with the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and offered 3 sacred music pedagogy webinars this winter and spring for music teachers and choir directors in Catholic Schools and churches across the U.S. The 3-part webinar series included: “Why We Sing” A discussion of the cognitive, developmental, formational and social benefits of choral singing, “What We Sing” The wide range of liturgical music available, and “How We Sing” Rehearsal techniques with young singers that foster healthy singing, musicianship, and stylistic authenticity. More than 500 music educators tuned in live for the webinars this year. Since 2016, the AFPC has hosted 22 national webinars with NCEA which have educated more than 15,000 conductors of Catholic student choirs, worship leaders and Catholic School classroom teachers.

Looking ahead to 2025
Next year the AFPC will be adding two new Festival locations (Ann Arbor, MI, and Omaha, NE) to the 2025 Festival Schedule for a total of 18 regional Festivals. The American Federation of Pueri Cantores is continuing to grow and reach more students, educators, and families in diverse communities across its expansive country, and it is very exciting to see! There is a real need for the resources and opportunities that Pueri Cantores provides, and more and more, music directors and educators are looking to AFPC for direction, training, and opportunities to teach and engage their young choristers in the arts and in the Catholic faith.
Kathleen Prina
Program Director
American Federation Pueri Cantores