2025 the International Congress will take place in MUNICH! Up to 4000 Pueri Cantores from all over the world are invited to join the choir festival from July 16th to 20th 2025 under the motto Cantate Domino – vielstimmig für den Frieden – #comeandsing! Preparations are already in full swing and initial information is available for the choirs. Registration will start in fall 2024. Additioinally a “pre-festival” is planned from around July 12th to 16th, during which choirs from all over Germany can welcome international choirs to their parishes.
Participant contribution
Currently calculated per person: 75 EUR
Currently calculated per person if accommodation and meals are self-organized: 95 EUR
Currently calculated per person for the “pre-festival”: 25 EUR per person.
Core themes
Celebrating faith – in joint services for and with the local people in the parishes and in the cathedral
Proclaiming peace – in prayers for peace and actions in inner-city churches and on Marienplatz
Showing solidarity – by singing in social institutions
Standing up for each other and taking responsibility – getting to know and understand each other better in workshops and discussions
Making friends – through encounters between cultures and the universal language of music
In addition to the traditional events such as the opening ceremony and closing service, services in the mother tongue, open singing, peace prayers and encounter concerts, the program will also include singing in social institutions, in smaller parishes in the city area as well as workshops, encounters of cultures and other activities. Instead of a central peace prayer, the cathedral will be filled with prayers for peace over several days.
Central churches
Cathedral of Our Dear Lady, St. Peter, St. Michael, Theatinerkirche, Hl. Geist and many more.
“Verein zur Durchführung des internationalen Kinder- und Jugendchorfestivals der Pueri Cantores 2025 in München e.V.” in cooperation with FOEDERATIO INTERNATIONALIS PUERI CANTORES (FIPC), the german federation Deutscher Chorverband PUERI CANTORES e.V. and the diocesan federation of pueri cantores in Munich and Freising
Please contact the management of the festival office:
Judith Bergel
Mail: info@muenchen25.de
Phone: +49 89 213 777 360

© Niels Singer (Rottenburger Sängerknaben)

© Anna-Kathrin Dietrich (Pueri Cantores Germany)